Mon - Fri 7:30am - 5:00pm
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Getting the oil in your car changed regularly is one of the best ways to keep it in good shape. However, it can also help you identify issues before they become larger, more expensive problems. Knowing what gets checked during an oil change helps you understand the importance of this piece of automotive maintenance.
While a technician is changing your oil, they also check the other fluids in your car. Things like coolant, transmission fluid and brake fluid need to be at the proper levels for the car to function correctly. While you are getting your oil replaced, you can also find out if you need to top off or change any of the other fluids in the car.
The belts and hoses in your engine compartment are just as important as the fluids to keep the car running. If any of them break or spring a leak, you could be looking at serious mechanical issues. While a technician is changing your oil, they also look at the belts and hoses and make sure they are in good condition.
Your air filter catches all the dust, dirt and debris that comes off the road. These filters need to be changed regularly to be effective. While you are getting an oil change , it is probably a good idea to get a new air filter so you can be sure your engine will be clean and protected.
If you need to change your car’s oil, Sansone’s Automotive is here to help. We are a locally owned and operated shop dedicated to service excellence and your satisfaction. Our ASE-certified auto technicians are pros at regular maintenance and engine repair. We also take care of other fluid changes, wheel alignment and catalytic converter theft protection. Contact us today for an appointment!
Sansone's Automotive
Mon - Fri 7:30am - 5:00pm
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